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About Us

FOBANA Mission

  • To increase the awareness of Bangalee culture and heritage in the United States
  • To provide opportunity for Bangladeshi-Americans together in a fun and exciting environment highlighting contributions of Bangalee culture to the diversity in North America.
  • To recognize the contributions that Bangladeshi-Americans/Canadians make through their many professional, religious,
    cultural, social, educational, political and civic organizations.

Who We Are

FOBANA is a non-profit, non-political and non-discriminatory, IRS 501c(3) tax-exempt (Tax ID 26-1747615) organization. It was established in 1987. FOBANA has been recognized as an umbrella organization where Bangladeshi-Americans gather to celebrate their success and introduce their vibrant culture to this multi-cultural country. Since its inception, FOBANA has been working tirelessly in North America, far away from our ancestral homeland, to keep our indigenous culture and pass it on to the next generations growing up in the United States and Canada. FOBANA has recently received appreciation for its work to assimilate our people with the mainstream of North American people and culture. FOBANA is a symbol of our hope and aspiration and a unifying force for bringing our communities together and for moving it in forward direction. FOBANA holds an annual convention hosted by a member organization based in North America.

Attendance at FOBANA convention has grown exponentially each year. This event has come to be known as the largest Bangladeshi event in North America. FOBANA event has generated recognition throughout this hemisphere. Bangladeshi American/Canadian families from all over North America, Bangladeshi businesses, students, scientists, doctors, engineers, intellectuals and over 400 performers from North America and many high profile performers and dignitaries from Bangladesh and North America will attend the convention.

- Promise Of Our New Generation! -

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